In February the extraordinary Baroque violinist Lina Tur Bonet will be on tour in the America with the no-less-remarkable harpsichordist Kenneth Weiss. On the 14th they will perform a rich and varied 18th Century Baroque programme at the Yale Collection of Musical Instruments with works by Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Boccherini, Haendel and Bach. On the 18th they will be in New York with a concert in the celebrated Music Before 1800 season where they play La Petite Merveille and the Red Priest, aprogramme which brings together the violin sonatas of the extraordinary French composer Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, who was know in the court of Louis XIV as La Petite Merveille, with Vivaldi’s recently reconstructed Graz Sonatas that so well display the Red Priest’s brilliant, expressive writing. They go on to perform the same programme for the San Diego Early Music Society on the 21st February.